Thursday, September 10, 2009

Gained it all back

I thought I would try to give a little more effort to this blog well more of an effort to weight loss.

My father passed away in January and I have packed back on the little that I lost plus an extra 15 pounds. None of my clothes fit and I'm disgusted by it.

I have moved to California and my cousin makes me get up almost everyday and walk with her. We do at least 1.5 miles sometimes more. A few times I have gotten on the treadmill after and done more. I want to start walking more and add in some strength training to help me lose.

I'm day 3 on no soda so far so good. I am down 7 pounds since moving here, but I'm still pretty disgusted by myself.

I have started taking some of my meds again. In hopes to help. So far I have not been nauseated.

I'm taking Metformin for the PCOS.....I have read that it should help with weight loss just a little by regulating my insulin. I take Cymbalta for depression I have been on this one for several years. My doctor gives me samples because it is so expensive. He loaded me up before I left Texas and then wrote me an RX for another drug that should do the same. Hopefully when I change drugs my body will be ok. I also take Omega3 for health. I may eventually add in some other vitamins but for now that is all.

Food- Other than not drinking soda I'm still eating pretty crappy. I'm thinking I should do the weight watchers again because it really was helpful, but first I'm focusing on a job.