Saturday, November 8, 2008

I'm down 12 pounds. I don't see much of a change my clothes fit the same. I tried on a dress a few days ago and I still looked frumpy in it.

I made a cake today that is only 3 points. It is a yummy cake and easy to make. It also is a one piece is enough for me cake.

I'm addicted to these frozen cheeseburgers the meat taste like rubber but for some reason I just love them. I ate 3 today they are 5 points a piece.

I made a yummy salad for the upcoming week. I love to add lots of veggies I added green onions, purple onions, cucumbers, carrots, yellow bell peppers, and tomatoes. It is yummy.

I need other things that are easy to make and store.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Total loss

So far I have lost a total of 8 pounds.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Weigh day

Today was my weigh day for Weight Watchers. I'm very proud to announce that I lost 2.8 pounds! Sad thing is I actually weighed on Tuesday and that is what I had lost. Happy thing is that I have lost some weight! I'm so excited!

I have been doing well on Weight Watchers. I have been taking my lunch lots I eat smaller meals, but I feel like I eat all day and I feel hungry all the time. I think that is because I'm eating snacks and not fruits or veggies. I think I may start making myself try a new fruit or vegetable every week. I like the main stuff. Bananas, oranges, grapes, apples, carrots, lettuce, green beans, corn you know that stuff.

I was going to buy some oranges today at the store cause they are so yummy, but 3 and might I add very small and ugly were going to be $3.22! That is OUTRAGEOUS! They were Australian, but the only single ones I could find.

I still lost 2.8 pounds and I went over my limit by 10 points cause I had a bad day!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Maybe this was not such a good idea

I have been psychotic crazy today. Maybe no meds is not a good idea. I don't want to be on meds. I don't want to be crazy.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

weight watchers

Mom and I signed up for weight watchers yesterday. I didn't do to great today.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I was doing good running but just like always I get really pumped then just fizzle out. I still intend on picking back up I'm just so busy this week I am not going to be able to run. Here is one day last week I was watching Addi, I put her in her stroller and took her with me. She had a blast.

I bought a really cool watch that keeps my heartbeat and acts like a stopwatch for me but like an idiot I deleted the picture and I'm not in the mood to take it and upload again. It is pink and cool that's all you need to know.

Oh here is Addi after the run she decided to crawl in the bottom of the stroller.

She didn't want to get out!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I'm stil trying

I have not posted in a few days. I'm still working on this whole change. I'm doing good still with no sodas and exercising. I still eat crap and I wish I didn't but that is what is convenient and I need convenience right now.

I am still so so tired! I take a nap just about everyday then I stay up late cause of the nap. Its a vicious cycle. If I could just stay awake all day and go to bed at a decent hour maybe I would not nap. NAH, I would still nap! I love to nap!

Bigger update when I have more time.

Monday, September 15, 2008


My days to run this week are M-W-F. I worked today until 3:30 well actually 4:30 because I still had stuff to do. I came home and everyone was napping so I did too. I woke up and didn't have much sun left so I headed out. I warmed up for 5 minutes then jogged for 1 and cooled down for one and half. Until it had been 20 minutes then the rest of the way home I cooled down came home did some stretching and now I'm sweating my bottom off. I feel good.

For breakfast I had a bowl of Kashi cereal, later I had a peanut peanut bar. Lunch was so gross today I got a salad, baked chicken, some sort of potatoes, peas and a roll. I had a couple pieces of candy shame shame. Now my head is hurting so bad but I think it may be the fact that I have not eaten in 8 hours. Time for dinner.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Gobble Gobble, I'm going to run!

Camille has talked me into running in the Turkey Trot in Dallas on Thanksgiving day. I have always always wanted to be a runner. I'm just big and lazy, but not anymore! I'm going to spend the next 2 months preparing for the big run. Camille is running 8 miles, I'm just going for the little 3. Hopefully I will be able to run the whole thing.

Today was day one of training. I found a website that says you can go from the couch to running in 2 months. I'm going to try to follow the plan and be a runner soon. It is pretty simple just warm-up, jog 60 seconds, walk 90, then jog keep doing that for a total of 20 mins. I set out today I didn't last 20 mins maybe close to 15. Hopefully I will do better. So that is the workout for week 1, and you only do it 3 days. I like that cause then I don't have to commit to everyday.

eating well I'm not doing well. I still am doing without cokes which is a good thing!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Shelby saved me some calories

I was craving chocolate chip cookies last night. I went to the store and bought some break and bake and was going to bake them and eat them warm with a scoop of ice cream on them. I bought fat free ice cream. I asked Shelby to make the last night and she said no. I said grrr... well I don't want to make them tonight either so I will just do it tomorrow night. Well I come home today and she says "I made those cookies, and burnt an oven mitt." I said "All of them?" she says yes and then I got really mad cause I wanted to eat some of the dough and eat them warm with my ice cream. I threw a 2 year olds kind of fit then I went in the kitchen to eat one and she not only burnt the oven mitt she burnt the cookies! I ate a little bit of ice cream, which was very yummy. I tried to eat a cookie with it but it was so crispy it was nasty.

She saved me several hundred calories!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I'm a fast food junkie

Well I have some bad news I'm not doing so well. The only good thing that has come of my change is I am no longer nausea. That is a good thing! I have only had one root beer and half a sprite since I gave up soda, it has only been a week. I was doing pretty good but today I'm CRAVING some "brown water" bad. I have not yet given in I'm trying so so hard.

Saturday lunch at work was crap. I had a salad, which normally I devour but yesterday it just did not taste very good. Some dry BBQ chicken, and onion rings....what a combo right. OH and a roll. I was so sleepy all day that I kept snacking on things. I had some peanut butter crackers, and Mrs. barids chocolate frosted donuts. Which after seeing the calories and fat grams I have to stop eating them even though there is no high fructose corn syrup. Then last night I was going to make some ramen noodles. When Jana suggested sonic. I got a chicken strip dinner and only ate 2 pieces of chicken and gave the other 2 to Addi and then I ate a Jr. Cheeseburger that I got for her but she didn't want, oh and I ate most of the fries and the burnt toast.

Today at work I ate chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, corn, roll and a salad it was yummy. I also got orange slices for later but they turned out not so great. Again I was so so sleepy I had to keep snacking to keep me awake. I had some Doritos, m&ms and something else I think but I can't remember. Then I came home and Jana suggested Long John Silvers, and again I shoveled some grease down my throat.

I have noticed that my snacking leads to tons of extra calories, and my friends influence me to eat unhealthy things. I need to be stronger.

As for my spiritual side, I did not go to church today because I had to work. However there was a YSA broadcast tonight at 7 I went to that and there were 2 other YSA there along with my branch president, his wife and their little girl. I just love them they are such a sweet family. Even though I broke the sabbath by spending money on Sunday and working. I did listen to uplifting music. I found a CD that I use to listen to "A time to love."

Now for this week. I went to the store and bought me some Kashi cereal, and protein bars. I'm going to try and watch those sneaky snack calories.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Ok I must confess the old me won and I took a nap today after spending 2 hours reading blogs of people I don't know. It is so addicting. Maybe it's my nosey personality that I have to know EVERYTHING. I found a sad story about a girl my age who has 4 kids and a HOT husband. I say that cause he was but on her blog she put it a bunch. I read all about her and her families life. The sad part was actually the first blog post on her page that was posted by her sister. She and her husband were in a private plane crash a few weeks ago and are both in the hospital his body is burned 30% where hers is 80% burned. Her sister made reference to the fact that she is a vegetarian and eats very healthy and she feels that her body is so strong for that reason. The doctors are surprised at how well she is healing. Make me want to go back to eating no meat again. I feel so sad for them and I don't even know them.

On to ME and dinner. After my nap which I failed to mention lasted 4 hours.....yes it was a good one. I woke up and was sitting on the couch watching "Americas Funniest home videos" with Jana this is one of our favorite shows to watch together cause we laugh so hard. We both discussed how depressed we felt today and decided to go to dinner, mainly just to get out of the house. Since giving up soda I feel like I sometimes need a treat, I ordered a strawberry lemonade, it was delicious. When the waitress picked it up to refill it I told her "oh can I just have water, I just wanted one." She said "Wow you have good will power." I thought uhhhh well not really cause I'm eating these chips. We had Chips and salsa which I normally devour but not today. Not because I was consciously thinking that I didn't need them but because they just didn't taste right. I ordered a grill chicken sandwich with fries and ate half the sandwich then just the chicken and cheese out of the other half and maybe half the fries then I was done. I really wanted some dessert but decided I better not since that girl said I had such good will power. Instead we went to Braums. I got a cone with frozen yogurt, and ate half and through the other half out the window for the birds. I was informed by the teen at the window that I had a waffle cone and Jana had a cake cone. Since she didn't know that when I said "regular cone" I obviously meant "cake cone."

Ok so I might not have done that great but here is what I did do good. Instead of drinking 3-5 sodas with my dinner I drank 1 lemonade. Instead of filling totally up on chips I ate fewer and I didn't finish my meal, and even though I got ice cream I got yogurt and I didn't even eat it all.

I say I probably slashed close to 1000 calories tonight. Plus all I ate today was cereal, chips, and some wheat thins. Not the healthiest day of eating, but like I said I SAVED CALORIES!

I'm so sleepy

I woke up around 10 today since I didn't have school or work I let myself sleep in. I had a bowl of cereal and then snacked on chips all morning. It is crazy how I did that without even knowing or thinking this is not good for me. Maybe next time I will be more aware. I watched a movie on Lifetime.

I'm very very sleepy right now. The old me wants to curl up in my bed and take a very long nice nap. The new me is telling myself that I can go for a walk, balance my checkbook, pay some of those creditors, pack some stuff or do some homework. I'm going to try really hard and not let the old me take over. I think I will start with a walk.

I'm going to try to finish all my homework today then I will not have to worry about anything until Monday.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


I have been doing really well. I had a sprite today now that I think about it I don't even think I finished it, and on labor day I indulged in a root beer. I have been eating less grease but not the best things. Still no nausea. I did decide that maybe I need to take my cymbalta cause I may try to commit suicide or something if I just stop that cold turkey. I feel like I can stay awake longer, but I still get tired easy. I'm also on my period this week so that could be the cause of some of my sleepiness. I ate some chocolate yesterday.

I am off tomorrow, no school or work. I think I will try to walk the track or go to the gym if I feel like driving to school.

I feel like I'm on the road to greatness! ha

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The beginning

Friday night was the first day I did not take my meds. I woke up Saturday feeling good. No sickness at all. I went to work and decided not to have a soda making Friday morning at 6am my last soda. I had more energy on Saturday than I have in a long time. I made it through the day at work without wanting to find the on-call room to take a nap. Which is what I normally think everyday at work that I wish I knew where that room or some other hiding place in the hospital is so I could just take a 10 minute snoozer. Around 3 I did hit a drag which I had expected. I snacked on some Mrs. Barids chocolate frosted donuts (these are so yummy) they do not have High fructose corn syrup in them so I tell myself they are ok to eat. I then came home when I got off work at 4 and stayed up till sometime after 9:30. That is a big thing for me cause normally I will come home and take a 3-4 hour nap then be up all night. Without any soda or meds I was able to stay awake all day. This is not just I lie down to take a nap sleep this is I can not keep my eyes open even if I try sleep.

Today I woke up and went to work only to find out I didn't need to be there. I came home climbed back in bed until time for church which I woke up late for. Rushed out the door and went to church. I had such a great day there. There is a new doctor at the hospital that just so happens to be in our branch and there is a nurse there to I guess I have never seen here at either church or the hospital. Each lesson made me teary eyed and I learned a bunch. For breakfast I ate some life cereal (also does not have high fructose corn syrup). Lunch was a turkey sandwich with more chips than I should have eaten.

Because it is Sunday and I LOVE to take Sunday naps, and I'm feeling a little sleepy I'm going to indulge in a nap. IT IS SUNDAY. I will try very hard not to take naps during the week, but TODAY IS SUNDAY.

A change is coming....

I finally woke up and decided that I am sick of the way I am living so I'm changing it all! Starting with my Health. Both Physical and spiritual. I think they both kinda go together.

I have for I would say at least last 6 months spent at least 1 if not more of those days being inanely nausea. The thing about this is I never know when it it going to happen. Sometimes I wake up that way, or it hits after lunch, or in the evening.

The first big change......I have stopped taking all medication and vitamins that I have been taking for a little over a year. This decision was made because I'm 89% sure that my nausea is caused by these drugs. The reason I started taking them was because I have the following 3 complaints.
  • I'm always always tired
  • I'm overweight
  • I have unusual facial hair growth

After a year of drugs I still have all 3 complaints. My conclusion is they are not working and my body doesn't like them or I would not be sick all the time.

My doctor states I have PCOS (the reason for the hair growth, tiredness, overweight, irregular menstrual cycle). Just recently I was told I have GERD. I totally trust my doctor and after research on webmd for these conditions do feel that I do have them. All symptoms point to yes!

HOWEVER, I do not feel that drugs are the answer. (even though I spend my days distributing medication). I am going to try to heal myself in the way of lifestyle changes.

I have given up soda in the hopes of having more energy. I will slowly begin to watch the way I feel and the things I eat. I don't expect overnight results. I do however expect to get better and then will become a bigger advocate of lifestyle changes than I already am.

I hope to be successful and and inspiration to others. This blog is for me to be accountable for my actions and to chart and keep up with my progress. Hopefully I can look back on and see a great deal of change. For most people I'm sure this will be boring, but the thought that someone might read it will make me make better choices. I hope to keep track of my eating and exercising along with the way I feel.

On to the spiritual side. I hope to bring that spirit back into my life. Attend church more regularly and I will rely on heavenly father to help me make this change.

A change has begun!