Thursday, September 10, 2009

Gained it all back

I thought I would try to give a little more effort to this blog well more of an effort to weight loss.

My father passed away in January and I have packed back on the little that I lost plus an extra 15 pounds. None of my clothes fit and I'm disgusted by it.

I have moved to California and my cousin makes me get up almost everyday and walk with her. We do at least 1.5 miles sometimes more. A few times I have gotten on the treadmill after and done more. I want to start walking more and add in some strength training to help me lose.

I'm day 3 on no soda so far so good. I am down 7 pounds since moving here, but I'm still pretty disgusted by myself.

I have started taking some of my meds again. In hopes to help. So far I have not been nauseated.

I'm taking Metformin for the PCOS.....I have read that it should help with weight loss just a little by regulating my insulin. I take Cymbalta for depression I have been on this one for several years. My doctor gives me samples because it is so expensive. He loaded me up before I left Texas and then wrote me an RX for another drug that should do the same. Hopefully when I change drugs my body will be ok. I also take Omega3 for health. I may eventually add in some other vitamins but for now that is all.

Food- Other than not drinking soda I'm still eating pretty crappy. I'm thinking I should do the weight watchers again because it really was helpful, but first I'm focusing on a job.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I'm down 12 pounds. I don't see much of a change my clothes fit the same. I tried on a dress a few days ago and I still looked frumpy in it.

I made a cake today that is only 3 points. It is a yummy cake and easy to make. It also is a one piece is enough for me cake.

I'm addicted to these frozen cheeseburgers the meat taste like rubber but for some reason I just love them. I ate 3 today they are 5 points a piece.

I made a yummy salad for the upcoming week. I love to add lots of veggies I added green onions, purple onions, cucumbers, carrots, yellow bell peppers, and tomatoes. It is yummy.

I need other things that are easy to make and store.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Total loss

So far I have lost a total of 8 pounds.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Weigh day

Today was my weigh day for Weight Watchers. I'm very proud to announce that I lost 2.8 pounds! Sad thing is I actually weighed on Tuesday and that is what I had lost. Happy thing is that I have lost some weight! I'm so excited!

I have been doing well on Weight Watchers. I have been taking my lunch lots I eat smaller meals, but I feel like I eat all day and I feel hungry all the time. I think that is because I'm eating snacks and not fruits or veggies. I think I may start making myself try a new fruit or vegetable every week. I like the main stuff. Bananas, oranges, grapes, apples, carrots, lettuce, green beans, corn you know that stuff.

I was going to buy some oranges today at the store cause they are so yummy, but 3 and might I add very small and ugly were going to be $3.22! That is OUTRAGEOUS! They were Australian, but the only single ones I could find.

I still lost 2.8 pounds and I went over my limit by 10 points cause I had a bad day!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Maybe this was not such a good idea

I have been psychotic crazy today. Maybe no meds is not a good idea. I don't want to be on meds. I don't want to be crazy.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

weight watchers

Mom and I signed up for weight watchers yesterday. I didn't do to great today.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I was doing good running but just like always I get really pumped then just fizzle out. I still intend on picking back up I'm just so busy this week I am not going to be able to run. Here is one day last week I was watching Addi, I put her in her stroller and took her with me. She had a blast.

I bought a really cool watch that keeps my heartbeat and acts like a stopwatch for me but like an idiot I deleted the picture and I'm not in the mood to take it and upload again. It is pink and cool that's all you need to know.

Oh here is Addi after the run she decided to crawl in the bottom of the stroller.

She didn't want to get out!